Weed Spraying

We are an environmentally responsible company, offering application options for all types of varying terrain, from pasture, range, roadway and forestry. We can control noxious weeds and other target weed species. We are professionally licensed weed control applicators. No job too big or small.
Fire Fuel Reduction

We will work with you to develop a mitigation plan with our low-impact techniques reduce your risk to wildfire while maintaining natural beauty and privacy screening. Service also includes tree and brush removal and large-capacity chipping. Also eliminate unsightly logging residue left after your property has been logged. Stumps are chipped down to ground level and the piles are chipped too.
Land Improvement/Planning

100% recycling of unwanted brush and vegetation. Reduce fire danger by removing underbrush and creating firebreaks. No piles to burn or haul away. Naturally fertilizes soil. Low ground impact. Our service utilizes a tractor mounted forestry mulcher (masticating head) to convert unwanted trees, brush and other vegetation into natural, organic fertilizer. Everything is reduced to ground level and only a layer of mulch remains. There are no tree stumps, no piles of debris, nothing to burn and nothing to haul away. The ground is undisturbed and the land can be used immediately. Uses: Fence Row Clearing, Pasture Reclamation, Real Estate Development and Lot Improvement, Removal of Invasive Trees and Vines and Survey and Property Line Clearing We clear a range of jobs from small to large

We also do small excavation work, pre-landscaping, logging debris disposal, stump removal & etc.
Free Estimates.